Dried Flower Bouquet
Dried Flower Bouquet
In our dried flower bouquets you will receive a carefully curated collection of dried blooms, grasses and seed heads.
Wrapped in layers of craft paper tissue and tied with a satin ribbon. This eco friendly bunch makes the perfect everlasting gift.
PLEASE NOTE: All bouquets are made by the florists choice, unless specified otherwise, It is encouraged to fill out your preferences while ordering. As these are real flowers there may be colour shade and style variances from time to time.
Please keep your bouquet away direct sunlight, in a dry, cool place. Bouquets last 1-3 years if looked after properly.
All orders delivered via Royal Mail First Class within 3 working days (Monday - Friday)
We will try our best to accommodate specific arrival dates and times. Local delivery to Glasgow & PA postcodes.
Unfortunately we are not able to locally deliver to the following poscodes. G84, G83, G82, G81, G60, G61, G62, G63, G64, G65, G66, G67, G68, G69.